Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Volunteering at the Futures Golf Tournament...

I spent the majority of my day watching/running the March of Dimes booth at the Futures Golf Tournament. There wasn't much traffic, but I had fun.

There were a few other booths there and they didn't have much traffic either. The booth across from mine was promoting "Muscle Milk" they HAD to get me to try it...needless to say, it is SO gross. So don't drink it! It is supposed to be a protein shake that helps build muscle, so I told them thats why there are so few body builders-the drink is so unappealing! They thought I was too funny, we all had a good laugh about it.

I posted the pictures from my busy day yesterday...including riding the camel. :)

I will post more from today soon.

Miss Teen Illinois-World 2009

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