Tuesday, June 9, 2009

My busy week this far..

I had my 4-H modeling competition today(the 4-H Fashion Revue). I modeled in my Red Cocktail dress that I wore at the state Illinois pageant for our opening number and my crown & banner! Not only did I make it to the State Level(a big honor to make it to the 4-H State Fair) but I recieved the "Best in Show" award! It was very exciting. The only downside was after I had modeled my first time, my brand new heels broke! So I was left wearing the ankle strap and barefoot...it was quite the sight to see!!

I met the pig-Olivia who will be the star of the "Kiss the Pig" contest...as of this morning I was in 2nd place. WHEW! I took a few pictures with "her" and practiced my kissing face...haha

And me being my silly in the moment self, I decided while I was all dressed up with nowhere to go, I would ride a CAMEL! Yes, a camel. I rode it not only in my crown and banner, but my dress too!! (I did cheat a little and put jean shorts on underneath) Riding the camel was SO fun, and now it has had royalty on its back! The camel's name is Lucy...which I thought was way too funny since my show pony is named Lucy as well.

Then I HAD to get a funnel cake, it just wouldn't be a fair without it. It was SO so good. I'm not supposed to tell about the bad things I eat...but oh well, I had to brag! :)

Tomorrow (June 10th) I will be running the March of Dimes booth at the Future's Golf Tour.
I am looking forward to another fun filled day.

Miss Teen Illinois World 2009

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