Thursday, June 18, 2009

My first experience as "visiting royalty"...

Wow, what a weekend I had helping at the IL Coed pageant!
I thought I would just be hanging around wearing my crown and banner, maybe helping here and there as needed...but nope! Silly me for thinking I would have a dull moment at a pageant.

Not only did I help backstage for the preliminaries...I again was backstage through all of finals! I never knew that it would be so much work to keep little girls quiet, in line, and under controll! Then when the girls sisters would do well there were tears, screams of joy, jumping up and down...trying to get them looking like they weren't emotional was a challenge too! I had SO many great comments on my crown...then asked why is my banner sparkly? how did you become queen? What makes you so special to get to be Miss Illinois? and so many more! I never had a quiet moment around the little princess and sweetheart contestants!

I nicknamed this past weekend- "Miss Teen Illinois-World goes to a pageant"...hehehe

After the weekend was over I thought I would just be exhausted...that was true, but a flu/cold/virus thing was going around the hotel and I spent 3 days in bed just terribly sick!

I am better now, and I had such a fun time at the IL Coed pageant.

I am now VERY excited that nationals are coming up so soon!

Miss Teen Illinois-World 2009

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