Sunday, June 21, 2009

2 weeks more...

It getting close to Nationals!

The packing, tanning, last minute alterations, workouts all will lead to no where else but Houston, TX for the Miss Teen United States-World 2009 pageant!

I have been busy preparing for the national pageant that I will be leaving for in just 2 short weeks!

I will have SUCH a fun day spent in airports to get there...but it will all be worth it to be the representative for the AWESOME state of Illinois! There are 39 states being represented, and I feel very fortunate to be a part of this great group of girls competing.

I will keep this updated as much as possible.

Miss Teen Illinois World 2009

Thursday, June 18, 2009

My first experience as "visiting royalty"...

Wow, what a weekend I had helping at the IL Coed pageant!
I thought I would just be hanging around wearing my crown and banner, maybe helping here and there as needed...but nope! Silly me for thinking I would have a dull moment at a pageant.

Not only did I help backstage for the preliminaries...I again was backstage through all of finals! I never knew that it would be so much work to keep little girls quiet, in line, and under controll! Then when the girls sisters would do well there were tears, screams of joy, jumping up and down...trying to get them looking like they weren't emotional was a challenge too! I had SO many great comments on my crown...then asked why is my banner sparkly? how did you become queen? What makes you so special to get to be Miss Illinois? and so many more! I never had a quiet moment around the little princess and sweetheart contestants!

I nicknamed this past weekend- "Miss Teen Illinois-World goes to a pageant"...hehehe

After the weekend was over I thought I would just be exhausted...that was true, but a flu/cold/virus thing was going around the hotel and I spent 3 days in bed just terribly sick!

I am better now, and I had such a fun time at the IL Coed pageant.

I am now VERY excited that nationals are coming up so soon!

Miss Teen Illinois-World 2009

Saturday, June 13, 2009 get to be visiting royalty!

I am at my little sister's first pageant(Illinois American Coed(Pre Teen), I was suprising my best friend who thought I wasn't going to be able to be here.

While my sister(Julia) was checking in, her state director asked my mom if I would be "visiting royalty" for the weekend. Thank goodness I NEVER leave home without my crown and banner-you never know when you will get asked to make an appearance!

My first day(Friday) I was introduced on stage and spoke just a little about my pageant, how I was getting ready for nationals, and a few things about my reign. Then we watched and my sister competed in talent. After all the fun of the day there was a pizza party for all the little girls and queens. What fun it was.

Today is the second day of the pageant so we will see what today brings!

Lesson-never leave home without your crown and banner, you may be suprised at who wants to have you where. :)

Miss Teen Illinois World 2009

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Volunteering at the Futures Golf Tournament...

I spent the majority of my day watching/running the March of Dimes booth at the Futures Golf Tournament. There wasn't much traffic, but I had fun.

There were a few other booths there and they didn't have much traffic either. The booth across from mine was promoting "Muscle Milk" they HAD to get me to try it...needless to say, it is SO gross. So don't drink it! It is supposed to be a protein shake that helps build muscle, so I told them thats why there are so few body builders-the drink is so unappealing! They thought I was too funny, we all had a good laugh about it.

I posted the pictures from my busy day yesterday...including riding the camel. :)

I will post more from today soon.

Miss Teen Illinois-World 2009

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

My busy week this far..

I had my 4-H modeling competition today(the 4-H Fashion Revue). I modeled in my Red Cocktail dress that I wore at the state Illinois pageant for our opening number and my crown & banner! Not only did I make it to the State Level(a big honor to make it to the 4-H State Fair) but I recieved the "Best in Show" award! It was very exciting. The only downside was after I had modeled my first time, my brand new heels broke! So I was left wearing the ankle strap and was quite the sight to see!!

I met the pig-Olivia who will be the star of the "Kiss the Pig" of this morning I was in 2nd place. WHEW! I took a few pictures with "her" and practiced my kissing face...haha

And me being my silly in the moment self, I decided while I was all dressed up with nowhere to go, I would ride a CAMEL! Yes, a camel. I rode it not only in my crown and banner, but my dress too!! (I did cheat a little and put jean shorts on underneath) Riding the camel was SO fun, and now it has had royalty on its back! The camel's name is Lucy...which I thought was way too funny since my show pony is named Lucy as well.

Then I HAD to get a funnel cake, it just wouldn't be a fair without it. It was SO so good. I'm not supposed to tell about the bad things I eat...but oh well, I had to brag! :)

Tomorrow (June 10th) I will be running the March of Dimes booth at the Future's Golf Tour.
I am looking forward to another fun filled day.

Miss Teen Illinois World 2009

Monday, June 8, 2009

Another appearance to add!!...or two or three...

I was called today by the March of Dimes office(which I get alot of calls from since I have been a volunteer for over a year now and the MOD is my platform!)and I was asked to run the March of Dimes booth at the Futures Golf Tour/Golf Outing at the Hickory Point Golf Club in Forsyth.

I will be running the March of Dimes booth on June 10th from 10:30am to 2:00pm...promoting this awesome charity that is so close to my heart.

I will be sure to take lots of pictures and write all about it as soon as I can!

I also will be modeling in my 4-H Fair Fashion Revue on June 9th at 6:00pm, and I decided to model in my crown and banner and futher have fun with my reign! I not only am modeling, but I have a chance to be awarded the opportunity to model at the State Fair 4-H Fashion fingers crossed!

Then I am also a participant in the "Kiss the Pig" contest later on this week to raise money for the St. Jude's Children's Hospital.

I am having a busy week, but I couldn't be happier!

Miss Teen Illinois World 2009

Saturday, June 6, 2009

My amazing reign this far...

I have ALOT to cover! I won my title in April it is now June, lets see if I can bring it all up to speed. :)

April 18th, 2009-the day that changed my life!
I competed against some of the sweetest girls, we all had so much fun together. I don't think, for the first time in my pageant experience, we had ANY drama! Miss Catherine and Mama C made it clear they didn't want any, but with the group of girls we had, there was no need to worry.
I remember the moment I won so clearly...I didn't know whether to cry or jump up and down. I was so shocked. Hearing my name as the new Miss Teen Illinois-World 2009, I knew my year was going to be great, little did I know it would be amazing.

April 26th, 2009-my first appearance as Miss Teen Illinois-World 2009.
I volunteered at the Champaign March of Dimes-March for Babies. It was SO extremely windy that day my crown was flying off my head...and it was clipped on! Despite the wind, the weather was wonderful for the event! After I arrived I helped set up by making signs for registration, setting up the sale table, and all sorts of other things. I then helped kick off/start the walk with the Ambassador family. I then returned to help get everything for after the walk(I managed to make a run to McDonalds...but I'm not supposed to say that!). As the children were returning from the 3 mile walk I passed out gold medals to them. I then helped give out Team and Individual Awards. The walk raised $55,000 for the March of save babies.

April 27th, 2009-my second day later.
It was time for my hometown, Decatur's March of Dimes-March for Babies. I helped set up once again, taking water to the checkpoints, registering the teams, and more! I also spent the months leading up to the walk getting together a walk team known as "Crowns for Babies". My team consisted of Myself(Miss Teen Illinois-World 2009), Lynzi Misuraca(My best friend and the Miss Illinois Junior Teen-American Coed 2008), Alyssa Longanecker(National American Miss Illinois Jr. Pre Teen 2008), Alexis Longanecker(National American Miss Miss Lockport Princess 2008), and their awesome mom's-Vicki Misuraca(aka Mama Vicki) and Michelle Longanecker. My team alone raised over $300, and we walked 2.9 miles! I then returned to help give out the last of the awards. Our walk raised over $16, save even more babies.

May 10th, 2009-met Miss Catherine and Mama C at Bridal Elegance in Ottowa
This was probably my FAVORITE thing I have gotten to do...picking my dress for Nationals!!
The day started off being overwhelmed by how many dresses where in the store, wow, I didn't know where to start. Miss Catherine had her heart set on putting me in a white dress, so I tried on so many beautiful gowns! Then we went to the Blues, a few Purples, Pink, Reds, and a Brown dress too! I was having way too much fun trying all the dresses on. I ended up trying one dress on and it was "it". I had the moment of, I never want to take this dress off, and that became my dress. I can't wait to "debut" my it in knows what color, what style, nothing about it...its our secret!! :) Thank you to Bridal Elegance and Staff for all of your help, you were wonderful!!

May 16th, 2009-visting my "sister system" 's Wisconsin pageant
I had planned on spending a relaxing weekend in Chicago with my best friend and her mama, but I was asked to go to Sheboygan, WI to help with the Miss Wisconsin U.S. International pageant. So thank you to my wonderful mommy who drives me EVERYWHERE, she got up with me and off we drove. I ended up getting there 15 min. late, missed my introduction, and I was panicking! After I got myself dressed I was later introduced and interviewed on stage. It was so much fun. I then helped by passing the flowers out to the Top 5 and Queen(Bishara Dorre). While all this was going on MTV's MADE was fliming an episode that will be airing later this summer, I don't know if I will make it onto the show, but what an experience it was to have all those cameras staring right at me! After the pageant was over I was back to Chicago.

May 17th, 2009-Mokena Cancer Walk(Spring Walk of Hope)
Yet another appearance and money raising opportunity! This time I was in Mokena walking for The Free Cancer Screening and Support Center. I walked on the team "Illinois Queens" which consisted of: Myself(Miss Teen Illinois-World 2009), Lynzi Misuraca(Miss Illinois Junior Teen-American Coed 2008), Ashley Fister(out team captain and National American Miss Illinois Junior Teen 2008), Alyssa Longanecker(National American Miss Illinois Jr. Pre Teen 2008), Alexis Longanecker(National American Miss Lockport Princess), Mama Vicki, and Norma Fister(Ashley's mommy). We walked 2 miles and in total the walk raised $55,000! After we ate lunch(that was provided) we took tons and tons of pictures of all the queens together! Whew!

May 19th, 2009-Papadakis Photoshoot in Barrington
My awesome director Miss Catherine asked me to go and have a headshot taken for the National Program Book. It was part of my prize package when I won to have a "Test Shoot" to see if I was marketable for modeling...I had SO much fun taking all the pictures. And in the end I LOVE my headshot! Thank you to Papadakis Photography for such a fun day of photos! :)

Its now June 6th, I have had a bit of a much needed rest, but I am anxiously awaiting my next appearance...and of course the Miss Teen United States-World 2009 pageant in Houston, Texas July 6th-10th!
I will not only have my awesome directors, but my family, and friends there to cheer me on. I couldn't be happier at this opportunity to represent Illinois, and I hope I make it proud!

Until next time,
Miss Teen Illinois World 2009

P.S. for those of you who would find this funny, this week during our Macon County Fair/4-H Fair I will be a part of the "Kiss The Pig" competition to raise money for St. Jude's Children's goodness I SURE hope I don't have to kiss that pig! :/