Thursday, December 17, 2009

Its been too long =)

Wow, It has been FOREVER since I have blogged...lets see if I can catch up a little!!

I attended the Viva Brasil Festival at the University of Chicago...WOW, what an experience! I learned SO much about the brazilian coulture. There was food(amazing!), dancing, music, and more! I think maybe I should've brushed up on some portugese...I didn't have a clue what some people said to me! haha But that was an awesome experience.

Then I attended and was a guest speaker at the Teen Challenge-Decatur Annual Banquet. I spoke about hope and how the organization is doing a great thing! Teen Challenge is a girl's rehabilitation center for girls struggling with addiction. I had such a great time speaking to the girls and I hope to make a trip to the center soon!

Then is was on to the Cisco's Showcase! It was SO much fun. I helped pass out awards, gifts to the cancer survivors, and read raffle tickets. Listening to all the cancer survivors stories were so inspirational and heart felt. I truly came away from the day with a new appreciation of life! My younger sister Julia, was crowned as the National Health Ambassador. I was so happy for her! My feet REALLY hurt after the event, but it was a blast. Miss Catherine even came into town!! =)

Then it was March of Dimes Signature Chef's Event Season!! My favorite time of the year, next to the holidays anyway. =) I attended and modeled the "chance of the evening"-a diamond watch at the Crystal Lake Event. We raised $23,000!
Then I headed to Springfield for that Chef's Event. I once again modeled the "chance of the evening" and sold raffle tickets during the event-but this time I spent the day helping to set everything up!! At that event we raised $80,000! Wow!
Then back to my hometown of Decatur...we spent weeks planning, collecting donations, putting the silent auction together, and so much more!! Finally the day of the event came, and I was in charge of the chef's and making sure everything ran smoothly. During the live auction, I took a moment to speak to the crowd-straight from my heart about how we need to raise money to save these babies! Our Decatur event raised $35,000!
Then last but not least, we went to Champaign for the last of the events for the year. We spent the day setting up, getting papers in order, and lots more. I sold tickets for the "heads or tails" contest-which was a funny game! The Champaign Event raised over $60,000!
Whew! We had an awesome SCA season for the March of Dimes. Now, while planning these events, helping to pull everything together, and getting in a tiny bit of sleep, I was making TV appearances, radio interviews, and spreading the word about this awesome organization! I have never been SO tired, but it was worth it.

After all that I went to the Noon Women's Network Luncheon to speak about my experiences in pageants, my competitions, and the goods/bads of pageants. I spoke for over an hour-but was scheduled for only 20 minutes! I loved every minute of it.

Now while all this was going on, I secretly was raising money and preparing for my first ever Miss pageant. Thanksgiving Week I headed to CA for the National All-American Miss pageant. After a long, but amazingly fun week I ended up 1st runner up overall-I have never before made a Top 5, so I was SO excited! I am so proud of myself. I also placed in the following-1st runner up Casual Wear Modeling(2nd year in a row I made top 5!), 3rd runner up Talent(2nd year in a row!), 2nd Runner up Most Promising Model(I have never not placed in this), 1st runner up Best Thank You Note, and Winner of Scrapbook(2nd year in a row!)...I was SO proud.

I also am trying to squeeze in time to recruit for the state pageant, apply to college, sell some old stuff on ebay, and trying to remember to breathe. =) Being busy is my life!!

now I am preparing for my first ever Miss Illinois prelim-Miss -------- --------. You didn't think I'd tell you just yet? haha I am so excited to take a leap into the Miss division of pageants, and am so excited for the support of my directors! I love you both. I am raising money for the Children's Miracle Network-so if you would like to donate, please let me know!!

So for now, I am preparing for Christmas and my 19th birthday-the 26th!

Merry Christmas to all.

Miss Teen Illinois-World 2009

You can follow me on facebook-just look me up and add me!

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