Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The summer AFTER Nationals...

Well its been a while since nationals, but I didn't hardly get a break at all!! Here is what I did with my summer:

About a week after Nationals I headed to St. Louis, MO for my International POA(Pony Of the Americas)Show. I showed my 4 y/o Mare "Lucy" and we placed in 7 out of our 9 pleasure classes, and in Most Colorful(Halter Mare). I also showed my pony "Snickers" and we won the Versatility Barrels class, and placed in 4 games. During the week I graduated from POA as a youth. I think it was an amazing way to end my youth showing career.

Very soon after that I went to WI for my cousin's wedding and just a bit of a vacation...but it was cold and rainy most of the time we were there...bummer! I still managed to get on the freezing cold lake and tubed for a while.

THEN my biggest adventure of the summer was climbing a MOUNTAIN(Mt. Elbert in Colorado) with my dad and older brother...WOW, whoever said it was EASY to climb a mountain-has never climbed a mountain. It was SO much harder than I ever imagined it would be...and at 12,000ft the alttitude started getting to me and I had to turn back just 2,000ft from the summit. I learned mountain climbing was EXTREMELY hard! But it was so beautiful and majestic!

This past Monday I met the Mayor of Decatur...he is Such a funny guy! He gave me the "key" to the city, an award they give to outstanding individuals in the community. I was so honored and proud to get this award! He then said he is going to be contacting the local magazinge and newspaper to have then write a story or cool is that?! Then I had the opportunity to invite him to the March of Dimes Signature Chef's Event and Auction...he said of course he would love to be there! I felt pretty cool that I got the MAYOR to come to our event.

Now I will be busy doing appearances here, there, and everywhere! I'll try to keep up with it better this time!!

Miss Teen Illinois-World 2009

Miss Teen United States-World Nationals 2009!

Wow! This summer has FLOWN by...

I am going to try to recap on Nationals...and much more!

Sunday, July 5th, 2009
I left for the airport(from my best friend's house) at about 7am!
After checking all my luggage in, getting through security, getting to my gate, taking my dramamine(I get VERY airsick...ugh!)...around 9:15am I boarded my flight. Take off and landing were smooth and since I slept through the flight, it was no big deal to me! I landed around 11am(in St. Paul, MN), but I didn't leave for Houston until around 2:30pm! I founf the gate I would be leaving from...and NAPPED! Finally I boarded the flight to Houston...the take off was fine, but landing was a bit bumpy...not cool. I then found baggage claim, but the baggage got backed up and so it took even longer to get my luggage...then I waited with my cart FULL of luggage for the SuperShuttle...when it finally arrived and I eventually got to the hotel it was after 6pm...I was more than exhausted! I checked in and got everything into my room...ordered some MUCH needed room service, moved the desk chair to my tiny little balcony, and called almost all my gal friends and chatted for a while...then conked out around 11pm. What a day.

Monday, July 6th, 2009
I woke up and waisted a bunch of time, checked out of my room, waisted a bit more time, checked into my NEW room, waisted a bit more time, then Miss WI U.S. Int'l(who I am friends with and I was there when she was crowned) arrived so we went to California Pizza Kitchen for lunch...its was SUPER yummy...but it took us forever to find just pain PEPPERONI PIZZA...who knew?! We then went back to the hotel and got ready for Orientation(which was a few hours away) so we decided to go to the Galleria Mall(ITS HUGE)...after a while we were back to the hotel for Orientation! After the Directors, Chaperones, Producer, and Hair/Make-up people all spoke to us, we had to be truthful and tell the choreographers if we COULD dance and the MC who our Role Model was and Why...LONG night. After all the excitement one of my best friends(who happened to be Miss Teen Georgia World) McKenzie and I went back to the galleria for a DELICIOUS Sushi dinner...then after getting lost IN the mall we went outside and walked around the whole place, finally found the car back to the hotel...and I went straight to bed!

Tuesday, July 7th, 2009
It was a STRESSFUL morning! I woke up around 6am to go get my hair/make-up done for the Swimsuit Photoshoot...Of course it WAS pouring rain today. After mix ups, curls not taking, and one thing or another I myself got to the lobby for the photo around 10:35am-it was supposed to start at 10am. UGH. Oh well, things happen...the day moved on! We had rehearsals all day, dinner, then even MORE rehearsals! My feet were aching by the end of the day! But I had the bright idea to go get spray tanned at 1am(its the soonest I could get in)...then off to bed for 3 or so hours of sleep! :(

Wednesday, July 8th, 2009
PRELIMS DAY! I couldn't be more excited!
Started my day at 4:45am!! Had my hair put in pin curls and my makeup done...then I went down for breakfast, ate, went back to my room and waited around for a bit, then off to ALL day rehearsals! I mean ALL day! We had lunch around 12:30pm(which I shared with my sister queen Saryna!!)...had MORE rehearsals, then around 5pm we were released to get ready for the Preliminary Show...Prelims started and finished-it was SO much fun! I competed in Swimsuit and Evening Gown...and LOVED it. My Director Mama C and my Mommy/2 younger sibllings were there cheering me on! After the VERY long day I was back to my room to order room service, eat, and go to was after 1am at this point. Another night of 3 hours of sleep...

Thursday, July 9th, 2009
I started my day AGAIN at 4:45am...I was SO tired! I had my hair/makeup done(while eating breakfast-nifty)...then around 8:45am I went down for my Interview-but they were running behind so around 9:45am I had my interview. It went great! I had never felt so confident in an interview before, it was great. Then I went back to my room and changed into comfy clothes for rehearsals...and they lasted ALL day. I got to have lunch with my mommy, but then was back into rehearsals(which half of the girls forgot about and missed...ooops!) My brain was hurting as bad as my feet at this point! Finally around 12am I got into bed.

Friday, July 10th, 2009
FINALS-the nerves are hitting!!
I got to start my day around 6am(thank goodness!!), hair/make-up was done...then off to the PErforming Arts Center for rehearsals ALL day!! Everything ached, it was FREEZING in the theater, we were all way past tired and grouchy at this point, but the smiles stayed on and I worked through it! Then after a whole day FILLED with rehearsals, it was time for the final is how it played out:
-Opening Number was so fun.
-after O.N. we said out introductions
-After Intros they called out the Top 15-boy I was a BUCKET of nerves...I was actually shaking.
-I made it into the Top 15!! I was SO super excited and shocked.
-I RAN to the dressing room, got my swimsuit on, and went running back to the stage
-I RE-Competed in Swimsuit
-After swimsuit they called out the Top 10-nerves were boiling over!!
-I was the LAST girl to get called in the Top 10! I was in tears with excitement! WOW, I had just made Top 10!
-I went running back to the dressing room again to get ready for evening gown
-Back onstage were I RE-Competed in Evening Gown
-After E.G. the Top 5 was called...I didn't make it, but I was still SO proud of myself!
-The new Miss Teen United States-World was crowned!
-THEN it was back to the dressing room to get everything together, change into my cocktail dress, board the bus, and head back to the hotel for the Coronation Ball
-We had a BLAST dancing and singing at the Coronation Ball-too much fun!!

Finally after the LONG, EXHAUSTING, COLD(Hotel and Theater), Sore(everything!!), EXCITING, and most of all Rewarding week...I slept like a baby!

After everything my mommy, me, and 2younger siblings drove the 17 hours back home from Houston.

I learned alot, like I always do!
Miss Teen Illinois-World 2009